Tools, Widgets & Other Services
We've gathered a list of our favorite tools, widgets, and resources that are compatible with Jimdo. You can use any of these to improve your site and add functionality. With thousands of tools and widgets out there, this list isn't exhaustive—but it's a good place to start if you're looking to take your website to the next level. For more information on adding Widgets, check out our blog post 20 Widgets to Improve Your Website.
You can add many of these services to your site by using the Widget / HTML element. Just copy and paste the widget's embed code into the element and click save.
Photo, Video, & Audio
Booking & Calendars
Google Calendar: A time-management web and mobile application created by Google. Check out how to integrate it with your Jimdo Website here.
Resmio: Online reservation and guest management system that can be used by restaurants. Check out how to embed it to your Jimdo site here.
Communication Tools
MailChimp: Fantastic email marketing and newsletter service. Check out our tutorial on how to set up a MailChimp account here.
Tidio Live Chat: Live chat service which allows you to easily communicate with your customers. Check out our Support Center tutorial.
Ecommerce Tools
Website Tools
Google Custom Search: Add a search bar to your website. Check out our tutorial here.
Google Translate: Embed Google Translate directly into your Jimdo website, and instantly translate your website into 60+ languages.
AddThis: Get more traffic with beautifully simple social media tools. Check out our Support Center tutorial here.
Disqus: Blog comment hosting service for web sites and online communities that uses a networked platform. Read more on our Support Center.